Contry Hill Farm offers full- or half-day co-ed English summer riding camps. Join us for an incredible summer of riding lessons, games, trail riding, and more!
We teach children, ages 5 and up, of all riding levels. Summer camp participants will learn all aspects of horse care, including grooming and cleaning, feeding, and basic tack care. In daily riding lessons, students will be able to participate in trail rides, mounted games, bareback riding, and jumping at the instructor’s discretion. At the end of the summer, all campers are welcome to participate in our camp horse show.

Please fill out your camp registration online or by printing and mailing your form. All forms are available at the bottom of the page. The descriptions, dates, and pricing are listed below!
Camp Horses
Campers are welcome to bring their own horse or pony, or they’re welcome to use one of the farm’s. Those who bring their own horse or pony will receive a stall for the week and a small individual turn-out pasture. Campers typically bring their own hay and feed. Those who wish to ride a school horse are assessed either before camp or on the first day of camp. A school horse is assigned to each camper for the majority of the week.
Camp Instructors
We offer a minimum 3:1 student to teacher ratio to ensure every child gets the most out of every lesson. Compared to other summer camp riding programs, campers get more one on one instruction, they spend every hour in the barn, and they spend most of their time at the farm riding.
Camp Requirements
Safety is essential, so Contry Hill Farm requires that campers dress accordingly. The required attire is long pants or breeches for riding, a closed-toed flat-soled shoe with a heel of ½ to 1½ inch; and an ASTM/SEI approved helmet. If you have any questions requiring correct attire, please contact the farm.

2025 Camp Dates and Prices
Please check the availability of each camp week below and make sure to complete the camp registration, photography release form, and the emergency medical form. All forms are available at the bottom of the page.
Session 1
Advanced Trail - 2 Full Days
June 30th - July 1st | 10 am - 5pm
Ages 13+ | Intermediate +
Session 2 -
Beginner & Leadline Horsemanship - 5 Half or Full Days
July 7 - 11 | 10 am - 2 pm or 5 pm
Ages 5+ | Beginner - Beginner Novice
$375 half days | $675 full days
Session 3
Dressage Camp - 3 Full Days
July 21 - 23 | 10 am - 5 pm
Ages 10+ | Novice+
Session 4
Jump & Eventing - 5 Full Days
July 28 - August 1 | 10 am - 5 pm
Ages 10+ | Novice+
Session 5
Advanced Gymkhana Games
August 4 - 8 | 10 am - 5 pm
Ages 7+ | Beginner Novice+
Session 6
Beginner GAMES/GYMKHANA - 5 Half or Full Days
August 11 - 15 | 10 am - 2 pm or 5 pm
Ages 5+ | Beginner – Beginner Novice
$375 half days | $675 full days
Session 7
Trail Week - 5 Full Days
August 18 - 22 | 10 am - 5 pm
Ages 10+ | Novice+
Session 8
Adult Camp - 2 Full Days
August 31 - September 1 | 10 am - 5 pm
Ages 18+ | Beginner+
Level Information
Beginner: Is new to horses. A beginner rider may be able to walk and trot with assistance. Typically, a beginner has been riding for less than 1 year.
Beginner Novice: Is able to tack up a horse with little help. They are capable of walking and trotting off the lead with little aid from the instructor. Typically, they have been riding for over a year.
Novice: Is able to tack up a horse independently. A novice rider is one who knows their posting diagonals and has begun working on cantering. A novice rider may be starting over ground rails or cross rails.
Intermediate: Is a rider that can walk, trot, and canter independently and confidently. They have a solid and secure position and are beginning to develop more feel for their horse’s way of going. An Intermediate rider knows their diagonals, canter leads, and has begun to jump small fences no higher than 2’3”. They feel comfortable on the trail at the walk trot or canter
Advanced: Is a rider that can train and influence a horse’s way of going. This rider knows their diagonals and leads. Rider can perform lateral exercises as well as simple changes of leads. They are secure and balanced in their position. They are comfortable jumping fences over 2’3” high. They feel comfortable on the trail at the walk trot or canter
A pre-camp lesson evaluation, or instructor letter of recommendation, is highly recommended for all new campers or students wishing to enroll in (Trail, eventing, advanced gymkhana or trail). An evaluation video can be sent to us. contact us, via phone or email.
Unsure of your child’s riding level?
If you have any questions regarding riding level, attire, curriculum, etc., feel free to contact us. Contact Emily Sumner, our camp director with your questions at: Contry Hill Farm Summer Riding Camp, (978) 855-2693 or email info@contryhillfarm.com
Specials and Discounts
You will be redirected to the online payment page after completing the online camp registration.
Novice Eventing Package
Sessions 3 and 4 | $900 - save $150
Add both sessions to your cart and use promo code PACKAGE1
Half Day Beginner Package
Sessions 2 and 6 | $650 - save $100
Add both sessions to your cart and use promo code PACKAGE2
Package 3 - Pick Any 2 Weeks of Full Day Camp
Sessions 2, 4, 5, 6, or 7 | $1,150 - save $200
Add any two from sessions 2, 4, 5, 6, or 7 to your cart and use promo code PACKAGE3
Early Bird Special
Pay in full by March 31st for $30 off the total.
Use promo code EARLYBIRD to apply your discount at payment.
Returning Camper Special
$10 off total
Use promo code ILOVECAMP to apply your discount at payment.
Forms & Downloads
Please make sure to complete the camp registration, photography release form, and the emergency medical form. New campers must also submit the general release.
Camp registration is currently open to previous campers only. It will open for new campers in February.